Categories: Fitness & Diet AppsLoseitMyfitnesspal

LoseIt! vs MyFitnessPal – Let the Battle Commence

If there is something that is of interest to many people around the world, it is losing weight.

There are many different options for doing so, with some people trying everything under the sun.

Sometimes, it’s not a matter of what type of diet you are on but rather, how well you are able to stick to it.

>> Lose Weight Quicker and More Efficiently Without Diet and Strenuous Exercise

It can really make a difference in the amount of weight you are losing if you are faithful to the diet you are trying.

There are also additional factors that can make a difference in your success as well. One of those is choosing an online service that will help you to track your weight loss efforts and everything that takes place during the time that you are trying to lose weight.

Two of the more popular of those choices are MyFitnessPal and Lose It.

Both of them are quite popular and they are used by people worldwide in an effort to lose weight consistently.

When you compare them side-by-side, however, you begin to see that there are some differences and one that may be better for your needs.

Loseit Versus MyFitnessPal: An Overview

First of all, let’s take a look at an overview of these two applications. Both of them are available for both Mac and Android as far as the ability to download, install and get started.

There are some differences, however, that make them worth looking into.

Lose It!

This is a more simplified application and if you tend to be technically challenged, you might find that it is a choice that is better to make.

>> Lose Weight Quicker and More Efficiently Without Diet and Strenuous Exercise

It also has an option that makes it a better choice than MyFitnessPal for most people, and that’s photo recognition.

Rather than having to type what is on the plate in front of you into the application, you simply take a picture of it and let the app do the work.


This app is also well worth looking into and it has a lot of features that really make it a consideration, especially for those who tend to use mobile apps for almost everything in life.

It is also part of a larger group of applications that include many fitness options, including MapMyRun.

Perhaps one of the better options is the ability to link the app to other devices.

Both of the applications are free to use but you can also upgrade to a premium level in both apps. MyFitnessPal is a little bit more expensive at $49.99 per year but it is really only $10 more than the Lose It premium subscription.

It is really up to what you want out of the application and the extra $10 may be worth it if you find that you are using MyFitnessPal consistently.

In either of these applications, it is easy to enter information about the food that you eat and to see data, including calories, nutrition and perhaps even a recipe or two.

Both applications also make it possible to add the food by scanning a barcode.

Lose It! Has a number of shortcuts that you may want to consider when making your decision. This includes the ability to search restaurants in a specific location, to take a picture of the food to add to the list and adding food quickly by entering information about it, including calories and the number of carbs.

Both MyFitnessPal and Lose It! Have helped many people to track their diets, understand more about nutrition and lose weight.

They both bring something nice to the table but it is really up to you to decide which is going to be best for your needs. After all, consistency is the key to weight loss.

>> Lose Weight Quicker and More Efficiently Without Diet and Strenuous Exercise

Maria: After a experiencing a childhood full of illness and lack of energy,  I slowly became better by exercising and making sure I was eating nutritious foods. Now that I'm older I feel full of energy and life and wish to help others feel the same way :) hence the reason Luis and I created this blog.